Friday, January 11, 2019

howFar Haiti Women

2018 Women’s Conferences
Diane Moffi - howFar Haiti Director

HowFar Haiti sponsored three women’s conferences in 2018. Conferences grew from the knowledge that more needed to be done in Haiti than just visiting orphanages and handing out food.  Family, leadership and women’s conferences have been sponsored for the last three years.  There’s an incredible desire for people in Haiti to learn.  The more they learn the more they can apply what they’ve learned to make their lives better. 

A Nurse Teachers Women About Nutrition

Part of the challenge of living in Haiti is the lack of education on nutrition and reliable means of birth control.  Many women bear the burden of being the head of their family by earning the living and caring for the family.

Attendee of the conference with her CycleBeads®

Our women’s conferences have reached over 500 women in 2018!  The agenda for each conference includes:  women’s health issues (blood pressure and diabetes management); resolving conflicts in marriage; family nutrition and natural birth control using CycleBeads®.  Haitian nurses and pastors teach at these conferences so that certain cultural concerns can be addressed and the ladies feel more comfortable.  Birth control is an important part of these conferences because unplanned children are very common, especially when the women are looking for ways to get food to feed their children.  Our goal is to prevent as many unplanned children as possible, which will hopefully result in fewer children being sent to orphanages.  Some husbands have attended the women’s conferences, which is really productive during the marriage conflict and birth control topics!
HowFar - Haiti Director, Diane Moffi, offering 
encouragement to the women at the latest conference 
in Onaville.

Each conference was held in different churches in the Port-au-Prince area.  The marriage conflict topic was taught by a pastor and based on Biblical principles for marriage.  Nutrition was taught by a nurse using food pyramid charts and medical information on which foods are better for their families.  The birth control topic was also taught by the nurse and included the use of CycleBeads®, which assist women to count which days they are most likely to get pregnant.  There’s also a teaching guide in Haitian Creole that is shared with the women in each conference. 

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