Maria and Shantari Mulikatata were befriended by some of the women from our Kigina/Gihara Church. The women knew that the two sisters were living in a very bad situation and were deeply concerned for them. They prayed that the sisters would be delivered from it.
Maria and Shantari's parents are both witches. Both have cast many spells upon their daughters asking demons to take them. The parents believe that if a demon, or devils as they call them, will take control of the daughters it will bring favor to the family and they will become wealthy. It is a very common deception though out Africa.
"We were continually bothered by devils", the sisters said. I can't imagine what that means but the Christian women of Kagina do...and they were frightened for Maria and Shantari.
The women from the church talked with the sisters and finally brought them to church. When we asked if anyone needed prayer they both came forward (photo attached).
Sunday, January 19, the two sisters were called from eternal darkness into the marvelous light.

In the three weeks that have followed, although the parents still attempt to cast spells on their daughters, they both confess that, "We are no longer bothered by devils".
In the US we often fail to see Satan's work. He is much more crafty and subtle here. We are callous to his ways. Yet, in much of Africa where life is simple, the people ignorant and living in darkness, they can see what we cannot. They can see the evil one. They see evil and they see good and they know the difference. Sometimes they choose to ignore it. Sometimes they choose to embrace it. And sometimes...the gospel comes to them and they are freed from it.
"Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you". James 4:7
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