Just a brief update from the road.
I've had an incredable, but exhausting, mission to date. We've moved from Nairobi, Kenya to Lossimingori, Tanzania and are now at Kagali, Rwanda. Tomorrow we head for Kampala, Uganda and then back to Nairobi.
By the grace of God I've visited several of our churches, dedicated a new church building, led a pastor's conference, started new construction projects and surveyed a new time-zone for future projects.
We've traveled over 1500 miles through all kinds of rugged terrain, including the Sarangetti. Several flat tires, two new tires, one new rim, rear breaks replaced, trunk latch welded....and we keep on moving.
Rwanda is a beautiful country that has broken my heart. The state sponsored genicide of over 1,000,000 Tutsi people ended in 1994 but the struggle to overcome it still goes on today. I watched in dismay as men and women, in prison uniforms of pink, are stood before the people of their own villages to confess their "sin"...even today.
Rwanda is ripe for the gosple. We cannot miss our calling to walk through this "open door".
Watch for the full story when I return to the US on October 10.
Thanks for your prayers as I labor in our Fathers field.
Mark M
Kagali, Rwanda
Thanks for your comments on Daryl's website...it was good to "hear" your voice. Tell Renee I miss my girlfriend! Will you be in our area while you are in the States? Sure hope so!