"A young Maasai women prays outside of the Karantini, Kenya Church"
A huge "thank you" to everyone who gave so generously to meet the remainder of the financial need for this mission. We exceeded the goal. I am eagerly waiting to get out into the field to see WHY God has provided some extra. It could be for the Maasai Bibles that I have wanted to purchase for the new churches. Or, maybe God has something else in store for us.
I leave tomorrow for Kenya, Tanzania and, for the first time, Rwanda. Your prayers are very much appreciated for me, for Renee and Hillary, and for the hopelessly and eternally lost.

"Maasia Moran ready for Eunoto Cerimony"
May God richly bless you for your faithfulness to His great redemptive work in East Africa.
"....store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither mouth nor rust destroys...for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:20-21
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