The showing of The Jesus Film, in Rwandan, and The Passion of the Christ drew an incredible 500 people to the compound. It is only through Gods grace that so many people would walk so far in the rural mountainous area to amass such a large crowd in one place.

"The Gihara conference was wonderful, we got one (loud)speaker from our church, we borrowed a generator, and other instruments were brought from Uganda by the Youth who were with us in this conference. The other Mudugudu leader (a village leader who told us to leave Gihara village and never return during our first visit in 2008) also got saved we are the one who laid hands by the time he accepted Christ as his personal savior. A boy who was mad also got healed he had a lot of hair on his head and not accepting any one to touch him but that time he agreed to be shaved off his hair, and many others came to Christ", reported Augustine Niyonsenga.
"The Jesus Film and films like the Passion for Christ it really touched peoples lives."
According to Pastor Augustine, the Overseer of our four howFar Ministries church plants across Rwanda, Burundi and DR Congo, eight people came to salvation following my message from 1 Peter 2 during our visit on June 14th and an additional fifteen were saved the following Sunday. Now many more have been added to the Batwa church at Gihara.

"Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:38
Our team, lead by Pastor Vinesti, is obediently laboring among the Batwa Pygmies at Gihara, Rwanda and God is bringing in the harvest!
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