I had the thrill of visiting Koisaso in late January while in Tanzania. You may be asking, “Why was it a thrill to go to this remote Maasai village?” It was a thrill because Koisaso is our “grandchild”. It is home to a third generation church plant. The church we planted at Lake Jipe Orkung’u, Kenya (June 2005) planted Lossimingori, Tanzania (April 2007) who planted this new church at Koisaso, Tanzania. That makes them our “grandchild”. But the story doesn’t end there. Koisaso has two sister churches – Endarara and Mnyikwa, both planted by the Lossimingori church in 2011!

The Koisaso Church, Tanga Region - Central TanzaniaOur church at Lossimingori, pastored by Emmanuel Lazier, is a model for church planting. Pastor Emmanuel is our first indigenous pastor to graduate from a Bible College. He is following in the footsteps of his mentor, Pastor Reuben ole Tiges, of our Lake Jipe Orkung’u, Kenya church. He is leading his church to obediently fulfill the great commission and the result is what every missionary prays for - a Church Planting Movement. A CPM is defined as rapid church multiplication led by indigenous people groups. That’s what is happening in Tanzania and Kenya.

The Endarara Church, Arusha Region, Central Tanzania

Mark Maynard (L) and Reuben ole Tiges (R) with the Elders of Endarara ChurchHow did it all begin? In 2005 you prayerfully and financially supported us. You sent us and we planted two Maasai churches. Now, the Maasai of those two villages have planted dozens of churches. Hundreds have come to salvation and thousands living around them, from various tribes and tongues, have come to faith in Jesus Christ. That is why visiting Koisaso, our most recent “grandchild”, was such a thrill for me.

Mnyikwa Village, Tanga Region, TanzaniaWe pray that you will continue to support this life changing work – there is still much to do! And we Thank You for partnering with us as we watch God’s family grow!
Watch for more on my recent trip and our humanitarian work!
howFar will you go in 2012?