howFar Ministries, Inc and The How Far Foundation, Inc.
Serving in Haiti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Thailand
New churches continue to spring up along the Kenya and Tanzania border, and for the first time, in Burundi.
In Kenya, Isinet Baptist Church was planted in July 2007 and Illasit Baptist Church in December. There are now a total of fourteen church plants along the border. All of them planted since July 2005.
"Illasit Baptist Church, Kenya. (l-r) Pastor Kevin, Mark Maynard, Reuben ole Tiges, Associate Pastor Moses and a member of the church."
(Click on your favorite photo to enlarge.)
We also had the great joy of planting our first church in Burundi at Muramvya. This church was planted in partnership of Kingdom Fellowship Church in Kigali, Rwanda. My friend, Pastor Augustin Niyonsenga, will provide the pastor and oversee the new church.
The Muramvya Church was planted among the Batwa Tribe and is a sister church to the one planted last year amoung the Batwa in Gihara, Rwanda.
"A temporary home for Muramvya Baptist Church, Burundi."
(See the article dated August 15, 2007 for more on the Batwa Pygmi Tribe of Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.)
Plans are underway to plant an additional church in Kenya near Rombo and two in Burundi - one among the Batwa, in a slum near Bujumbura, and the second in a remote village in the center of of the country called Bisoro.
"Members of Enderkesi Baptist Church, Kenya, Construction will begin on their church this month."
God continues to build His places were there are no evangelical churches and among the forgotten...the poorest of the poor.
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." The Lord Jesus Christ quoting the words of the prophet Isaiah who was speaking of the nation of Isreal. - Luke 4:18-19 NIV
Mark Maynard how Far Ministries, Inc. Duurstede, The Netherlands
"Demonstrating a WAPI, Water Pasturization Indicator, in a village near Bujumbura, Burundi. Clean water is a critial issue here...children still die because of bad water in this village." A joint project of The how Far Foundation and the Rotary Club in Buford, Georgia.
"One well that barely works...for 6000 people." Butererre Slum, Burundi
"A mountain river where five were baptized from a Batwa village in Burundi."
"Ten from the Batwa Tribe were baptized near the village of Gihara, Rwanda."
"Clif Knight and Reuben ole Tiges lead worship at Iltudui Baptist Church, Tanzania. "It is you Lord, it is You who are here", is the beautiful chorus.
"Sharing the gospel message with a group of children outside of Kagali, Rwanda. All have lost their parents to AIDS and many have HIV themselves. Where will their hope come from?"
"Dedication of the new building at Lossimingori Baptist Church, Tanzania."
"New building dedication at Python Hill Baptist Church, Kenya."
"Praying with members at Nondomito Baptist Church, Tanzania"
"Our pastors assembled for a conference at Taveta, Kenya"
With the completion of the East Africa Mission our attention will turn to fundraising. Our personal support account is nearly empty. To continue on we will have to raise nearly $2000 per month from new supporters.
Please pray about joining us in our "Great Commission" ministry of faith.
Mark Maynard - Missionary how Far Ministries, Inc. Submitted at Duurstede, The Netherlands